
Formats to be used in title tournaments

From the 1st March 2024, Schiller Format Events and Scheveningen Format Events* will no longer be valid for the awarding of FIDE Title Norms (FIDE Handbook B.

The FIDE Qualification Commission has taken this decision as it regards FIDE Titles as being earned as a result of competitive play, where all players in an event are playing under the same conditions and are aiming to achieve the best possible outcomes. Schiller and Scheveningen format events do not meet this criteria for all players involved in such tournaments.

Valid formats to be used in title tournaments are:

  • Swiss System
  • Round Robin
  • Double Round Robin
  • Knockout

From the 1st March 2024 games by unrated players in Schiller Format Events and Scheveningen Format Events* will no longer be valid for inclusion of the FIDE Rating List. Games between rated players will still be included.

*Federations can apply for approval for Scheveningen and Schiller Format Events if they are National or International events which are organised directly by a Federation or organised directly between FIDE Federations (ie International matches, or National Teams Championships).