FIDE Council approves resolution on performing under FIDE flag

The FIDE Council has approved changes to the simplified procedure for performing under the FIDE flag for players representing Russia/Belarus.

The right to play under the FIDE flag is in principle extended until 1 January 2024. You can find the additional details of the simplified procedure here.

All players who previously have been transferred to the FIDE flag, according to the resolution continue to perform under the FIDE flag unless they send a request to return to the flag of Russia/Belarus or to another federation.

After 1 January 2024 a player will in principle automatically be returned to the previous federation. 

Please note that, as af 15 December 2022, notwithstanding article 1.4.2 of the FIDE Title Regulations, a player under the FIDE flag based on this simplified procedure is considered to be a foreign player with the status of the original federation for the purpose of titles calculations.

You can find the full text of the resolution here.